After three weeks of researching notes on their chosen subjects for research projects, 4th grade GATE students have begun the IIM (Independent Investigation Method) Research process. Students have learned to take notes without plagiarizing. In class they have begun to cut apart their notefacts and organize them into a logical order. This is a time consuming and tedious process, but once all their facts are in place, they glue them onto lime green sheets of paper so that they are ready to create a storyboard or map, write scripts, and prepare for their projects.
Students have selected their own topics for research. My hope is that by choosing their own topics, they will enjoy researching and learning about their topic. If they enjoy learning about their topics, the organization and planning part of this process is easier. Once the scripts are written or storyboards are planned, students will begin inputting data in the MacBook computers. Students also chose the type of computer application they will use as well as if they will work independently or in groups. Students have chosen to create original websites, produce video productions and podcasts, publish general applications written documents, or create presentations through Keynote.
Our projects for technology competition are always top notch because our students put their hearts and minds together with their creativity and thinking skills! I am proud of the beginning of this process! Below are a few pictures of students hard at work organizing notefacts!