Monday, February 13, 2012

Edgar Degas Study

Third grade GATE students recently read a book about Edgar Degas' Little Dancer.  Degas was an impressionist artist who loved painting dancers and horses.  He loved to show movement in his paintings.  This summer while in Boston, I visited the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.  I saw Degas' Little Dancer.  The sculpture I had read about so many times was amazing!  I shared photos of this sculpture with the students. We viewed many pictures of Degas' paintings.  The students and I discussed how you can see MOVEMENT in his paintings.

We talked about what other activities involve movement:  skiing, skating, dancing, soccer, fishing, etc.  Students used their creativity and problem solving skills to create a sculpture showing movement out of ALUMINUM FOIL!  It was challenging at times to decide how the foil pieces could be molded together...but the kids did it and the outcome is STUNNING!

Enjoy pictures of our latest art endeavor!

1 comment:

  1. My 4th graders just finished up their Edgar Degas art pieces!
    You can find what we did here
