Olivia Wood is a 4th grader who loves cats...not just any cats, but BIG CATS! It has been her dream for two years to hold a fundraiser at AES to benefit the local Tigers for Tomorrow. Olivia and her family visited Tigers for Tomorrow last summer. She and her friend, Ethan, created a brochure about Tigers for Tomorrow for the Regional Technology Competition to share about this non-profit organization with their friends.
On May 21st, Albertville Elementary teachers and students who chose to share a donation of $1.00 were able to wear a hat to school all day! We raised $309.70 to donate to Tigers for Tomorrow. Our goal was $250-$300 so that we would have enough to purchase a new tiger toy.
Today, Pockets the Macaw, and friend visited AES to accept our donation.
Thanks, Olivia, for a great idea to benefit such a worthwhile organization! If you have not visited Tigers for Tomorrow near Collinsville on Untamed Mountain, maybe you and your family would like to visit this summer! Thank you, AES teachers and students, for supporting this service project!